Who are we?
Located in Cowansville, the Cellule Jeunes et Familles de Brome-Missisquoi is a non-profit organization that has been in existence for 30 years. It is a resource for individuals facing challenges; youth, families, and seniors. The Cellule aims to reach out to those outside the network or disconnected from it. Those who, for various reasons, do not use regular services, with the goal of facilitating these individuals' access to community resources and fostering their independence.
Our Vision
By 2028, the Cellule Jeunes et Familles de Brome-Missisquoi is recognized for its expertise in addiction prevention and for its frontline services for individuals in difficulty. The organization offers a lively, accessible, and safe environment. It contributes to improving the community's quality of life through its network of partners committed to social transformation.
The team consists of six individuals who hold distinct positions to welcome and address the various needs of youth, families, and seniors. They collaborate with the resources and services offered by the community to provide more humane and personalized referrals.
- Coordinator: Coordinates the services and the team of the Cellule.
450-260-1823 - Family Support Workers: The service is offered in Cowansville to reach out and support families with children aged 0 - 17 in situations of high vulnerability. The support workers are present in various living environments (HLM, parks, shops, streets, etc.) of the families.
450-684-0820 - Support Worker in HLM: Her office is located in the HLM of Cowansville. She supports tenants in community projects. Group purchases and community gardens are, among other things, activities supported by the HLM support worker.
450-263-7024 - Addiction Prevention Workers: Their offices are located at the Cellule's premises. They offer addiction prevention workshops in the schools and community settings of Brome-Missisquoi. Additionally, they are present to support individuals at risk or struggling with addictions.
579-420-1692 or 579-420-2363 or 579-420-2713 - Senior Support Worker: The service is offered in Cowansville to reach out and support seniors in vulnerable situations. The support worker is present in various living environments (HLM, pharmacy, shops, etc.) of the seniors.
Cowansville: 450-558-0791